Shop Marketing Pros

Advertising for Auto Mechanic shops only.
Very specialized to each client.
Choosing an auto repair shop can be a tough decision. The industry has (wrongly) been given a bad reputation, which makes the consumer have their guard up from the beginning. It’s more important than ever to make sure your shop is being differentiated from the typical auto repair shop.
Every great shop has something different about it. It could be the cars you specialize in repairing, the approach you have to customer service, your commitment to being female-friendly, or a host of other things.
At Shop Marketing Pros, we seek out what’s different in your business. We promote the people behind your brand. We do the things that help people come to know, like, and trust you. That’s just good marketing! Shop Marketing Pros can help you see the growth your business deserves with time-proven marketing techniques catered uniquely to your shop.
Services offered:
- Advertising & Marketing: Digital Marketing
- Advertising & Marketing: Copyright/Content
- Advertising & Marketing: Talk Shows/Podcast